Big Brothers Big Sisters
The Big Brothers Big Sisters Smart Program pairs high school and middle school students with an elementary aged student in order to provide bonding opportunities and skill building.
High School Student Board
Our High School Student Board provides bonding and problem solving opportunities among students of varying social groups to gain a greater understanding and tolerance of others, while
gaining leadership qualities to bring about positive change.
Cathy Shaffer Above & Beyond Awards
Cathy Shaffer Above & Beyond Awards provide annual recognition of those students in our community who exemplify the mission of YSCTC.
Community Variety Show
The CTC Community Variety Show is our signature event that provides the opportunity to bring our community and schools together through prosocial involvement.
Dodgeball Tournament
Organized by the CTC High School Student Board, the Dodgeball Tournament provides the opportunity for prosocial involvement for our high school aged students.
Multicultural Festival
The Multicultural Festival is a prosocial event housed in the York Suburban Middle School which provides diversity education and prosocial community involvement.
Wellness Programming
In collaboration with York Suburban School District, we've helped to provide wellness programming opportunities to improve the physical, emotional, and social wellness of our students and
community members.
Pennsylvania Youth Survey
The Pennsylvania Youth Survey is given to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade York Suburban students every other year. CTC evaluates the data from this survey to determine the risk factors facing our
youth, and establishing programming to protect them.